International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy me hearties, today 19th September is International “Talk Like a Pirate Day” now who would of thought such a day even existed? So grab your eye patches and read on..

Ye landlubber! Listen to me tale o’ Talk Like a Pirate Day, a holiday so absurd, ye won’t be able to resist joinin’ the fun. ‘Twas back in 1995, when two jolly mateys from Oregon came up with the idea while sweatin’ off their brows playin’ racquetball. At first, ’twas a secret affair, shared only among a small band o’ miscreants. But then, in 2002, they had a brilliant notion: they wrote to the famous humorist Dave Barry and begged him to be the spokesperson for this nonsensical celebration. And ye know what? That mighty pirate-lovin’ fella said aye! He penned a column that be shouted from the mountaintops, spreadin’ the joy o’ Talk Like a Pirate Day far ‘n wide.

Now, let’s talk about pirates – those scurvy sea dogs with peg legs and eye patches that make our imaginations run wild. They’ve been searchin’ for booty across the seven seas for centuries. The first recorded accounts of these salty buccaneers be from the Asian waters after the Chinese Han dynasty fell way back in the 2nd century. And as technology improved and ocean trade expanded, piracy became a profitable profession worldwide. Ah, the Golden Age of Piracy! Whenever we think of it, we can’t help but envision Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure Island” – that swashbucklin’ adventure novel that plum shaped the way we think of pirates. Think treasure maps, talkin’ parrots, and hidden riches! Arrr, it’s become the ultimate pirate cliché.

And let me tell ye about Disneyland’s legendary “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride, me heartie. Opened in 1967, it was the last project Walt Disney worked on afore he set sail to Davy Jones’ locker. Set in a picturesque Caribbean port under siege, the ride is a delight full of intricate details and epic plunderin’.

Now, don’t ye be disappointed when I tell ye that most o’ the jolly pirate phrases ye know be nothin’ but hogwash! But fear not, me matey, that won’t stop ye from havin’ a rip-roarin’ good time on this hilarious occasion. So gather ye grog (only if ye be of age), round up yer mateys, and let yer imaginations run wild as ye embark on an adventure o’er the treacherous high seas! Yo ho ho and a bottle o’ rum!

While we are in pirate mode lets take a look at some Pirate movies to enjoy on this pirate talk day according to

Top 10 Pirate movies

1- Treasure Island 1934 starring Jackie Cooper is Jim Hawkins

2-Peter Pan 1953

3- Treasure Planet 2003 based on Treasure Island this movie has a similar narrative but is more sci fi based oddyse for kids

4- Captain Phillips 2013. This modern day pirate movie stars Tom Hanks and is based on a true story around modern day Somalli pirates.

5- The Princess Bride 1987, Classic part pirate, part romance.

6-Hook 1991. A Stephen Spielberg classic which is underreated but well worth a watch. Starring the late great Robin Williams.

7- Muppet Treasure Island 1996. What can we say about this its a muppet caper with classic jokes and some great cameo roles.

8- Porco Rosso 1952, One ive never even heard of Likely the most off-the-wall addition to this list, Porco Rosso is a fantastical tale from Hayao Miyazaki that deserves a spot nonetheless. Cursed to have the appearance of a human-like pig, Porco Rosso (Shûichirô Moriyama) is an Italian World War I fighter pilot that takes to the skies to fight off pirate aviators and stop their immoral acts. Celebrated by some as one of the more obscure, quality Miyazaki films, Porco Rosso holds a special place in the hearts of many.

9-Serenity 2005 loosely based around the Sci Fi series Firefly

10- Pirates of the Caribbean 2003, We couldnt leave Jack Sparrow off the list. Probably the most famous pirate in the world Jack Sparrow played by the inimitable Orlando Bloom. Pirates is the mother of all pirate franchises.

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