Spooky Season

Sure thing! Halloween, also known as Samhain (spooky season), is coming up soon. I haven’t really celebrated it much in the past, but as I get older, I’m starting to enjoy it more and more. I don’t know if it’s the hype or the fun or the American influence, but I really like it, and I can’t wait to buy more stuff to decorate our home.

Samhain is all about the time when summer and winter mix and meet. It originally started in Ireland, and it’s all about the living and the dead coming together. It’s said that spirits of ancestors visit their homes and communities during this time, so people would welcome them by preparing food, gathering around bonfires, and dressing up in special clothes and masks. They even used to carve faces into turnips to scare away evil spirits.

Halloween gives us the chance to face death and our fears in a playful and safe way. We can watch horror and thriller movies and enjoy all the creepy things that go bump in the night. It’s a time to have fun and enjoy the spooky atmosphere.

Even Primani are getting in on the act this year with a halloween collection such is the hype but my fave way to buy for Halloween and any other Celebratory events is to buy from small businesses they have such a lot to offer that the big stores dont and I much prefer the individual service you get buying this way either online or in person.

One such shop ive found this year is The Ghost Next Door, and independent shop that has just started out, and im more than happy to support and watch grow.

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